• Tribute to Tony Blair - a poem by Roland Hulme

    Oh Tony, Tony, Tony Blair.
    Don't ever think that we don't care.
    You're shuffling off the centre stage,
    Before you get to Thatcher's age.

    (She was 65.)

    Back in the nineties, we all knew,
    The next PM, it would be you.
    I wrote a story
    'bout it too.
    Although it didn't feature you.


    Paul Daniels said: "He wins? I quit!"
    But he's still here, the lying git.
    But Tony, dude, that's long ago,
    When ladies thought of you: "Tres beau."

    "He's a bit of all right," they said.

    And Britain's suffered no great loss.
    In the decade since you've been boss,
    You've aged a bit since then, old mate,
    At least you haven't gained much weight.

    Maybe a couple of pounds?

    During your reign in Number 10,
    Just five minutes from old Big Ben,
    You've ruled the nation, true and fair,
    And haven't quite lost ALL your hair.

    Just a bit.

    You introduced Minimum Wage,
    Northern Ireland, turned a page,
    You helped
    Saddam come a cropper,
    But told us all
    one big whopper...

    About the WMD's.

    America? They loved you, Blair
    All tall and charming - with great hair!
    They thought you charming, wise and bright,
    Compared to
    George, by God they're right!

    He didn't have Alastair Campbell, of course.

    But now, dear Tony... Time to go,
    It's time to end the Tony Show.
    Your decade's up, you've had your day,
    Now that git
    Brown is here to stay.

    Depending on if he wins the leadership contest or not.

    What will you do now, Mr Blair?
    What use will be your coiffered hair?
    Your open palms and tasteful ties,
    And Ali Campbell's packs of lies?

    'Alleged' packs of lies.

    I'm sure a new career awaits,
    You'd make a fortune in the States!
    But do make sure your pension's safe,
    Now Gordon Brown is on the case.

    'Cos he'll nick it.


  1. Unknown says:

    Awwwww...nice poem..still mad at me about my immigration stance? Even my Brit immigrant husband agrees. In fact so do the two LEGAL Mexican immigrants who work at my office.

    If you'd look at what I'm saying you could see the sense in it.

    I really mean it good poem. :)

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