• Culling the Lead Dog

    It all started when The Politico - a Capital Hill newspaper with half the readership of The Hampshire Chronicle - published an article headlined: "Giuliani warns of 'new 9/11' if Dems win."

    "Rudy Giuliani," the article stated, "said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001."
    There was immediate outcry from the Democrats. The story was quickly picked up across the nation. What hypocrisy, from the man who's presidential ambitions are rooted in the aftermath of America's worst terrorist attack.
    Jenn of the Jungle kindly sourced some of the comments Left Wingers and Liberals made on their own blogs when they heard the news.

    • "The new, and not so improved Hitler Version 3! - Comment by Can-O-Whoop-Ass — April 24, 2007 @ 10:06 pm"

    • "A warning to you all- vote for this man and live in hell - Comment by truthfairy — April 24, 2007 @ 10:07 pm"

    • "F*ck you, Giuliani. I say that most sincerely — F*ck you. - Comment by Zooey — April 24, 2007 @ 10:07 pm"

    • "We know it was a GOP’er who did the last terrorist attack mailing Anthrax to Democrats. We know it’s always the GOP’ers who commit things like the Oklahoma Bombing, and of course there’s bombing “planned parenthoods”. Not to mention it’s always those GOP’ers caught molesting children. The GOP is a virus upon the world. - Comment by Can-O-Whoop-Ass — April 24, 2007 @ 10:12 pm"

    • "What he means is, if you don’t vote GOP, we will nuke your sorry little asses until you vote the “correct” way in future.GOP = Fascist Nazi Party - Comment by RAL — April 25, 2007 @ 7:11 am"

    • "...who are we kidding…most of the American people are dumb enough to buy this line of bullsh*t…. - Comment by Cobalt60 — April 24, 2007 @ 10:29 pm"
    You can see the effect this article had on those who consider themselves liberals. Rudy Giuliani - a Republican presidential candidate who could actually appeal to the Democrats - was suddenly discredited. His election advantage - a Democrat friendly manifesto - was null and void.
    It's amazing how quick the Democrats and Liberals were to condemn 'America's Mayor.' Has Rudy's election portfolio been irreparably damaged?
    If it has, somebody in the background is laughing manically. Because here's the kicker of this political scandal - Rudy Giuliani said NO SUCH THING.
    The Politico went ahead and posted this inflammatory article without a single quote to support it's story or headline. The other newspapers and networks picked it up and ran with it - without checking any of the facts or validity of the article.
    Rudy Giuliani, who is probably the last politician who'd ever use 9/11 as a political tool, was nobbled, plain and simple. The truth, often second fiddle to scandal, might never penetrate the rock hard noggins of the Democrats who were so quick to condemn him.
    I smell a rat.
    Rudy Giuliani, who was himself a Democrat before he joined the GOP, was the most promising of the Republican's presidential candidates. With his own views on immigration, abortion, gun control and the economy, even as a Republican, he'd have made a more acceptable presidential candidate to Democrats than many of their other options.
    His appeal to the left wing might have been what it would take to swing a presidential election in the Republican's favour. Republicans would never vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. Democrats, on the other hand (especially in traditionally Democratic New York) might hit the polls to support "America's Mayor" in favour of bossy, brutal Hillary.
    He was their best option - and I'm not the only person to realise it.
    Because somewhere in the background of Capital Hill, somebody set out to nobble his election chances as early as they could.
    Did they realise, as they printed a totally false article smearing Giuliani's name, that it would snowball and engulf the rest of the US Media?
    Has it damaged Rudy's election chances beyond repair?
    Did the Democrats just cripple their most fearsome enemy in an act of infamy?
    Only time will tell.
    But I am now more determined than ever to support Rudy all the way to the White House, if he can be convinced to run and makes it through the nominations. He'd be a President America could be proud of. And obviously I'm not the only one to think so - that's why somebody made a concerted effort to stop Rudy's march to Pennsylvania Avenue before it began.


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