• British sailors seized by Iran

    If you believe everything the protestors tell you, it's Washington beating the war drums concerning Iran. George Bush has been demonised for plotting the invasion of another Middle Eastern country.

    Yet recent events consistently seem to indicate that Iran is not the victim of invasive western aggression, like President Ahmadinejad portrays the country to be. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has already refused to allow UN Inspectors the chance to examine his 'innocent' nuclear processing plants - and now his soldiers have kidnapped 15 British troops. See the story here.

    The kidnapped Royal Navy sailors and marines were in Iraqi waters, checking local shipping to crack down on smuggling. The Iranians entered Iraqi water and confronted the Brits. I assume the 'kidnapping' itself was facilitated by our troop's reluctance to fire on their kidnappers and spark off a conflict. Their restraint saved Iranian lives at the risk of their own. True Brit Grit.

    This kidnapping is further evidence that Iran's behaviour remains consistantly mischevious.

    I honestly believe Ahmadinejad's masterplan is to simply keep niggling at the United States or Britain until one of the two countries find themselves forced to react aggressively.

    If Ahmadinejad's taunting gets the desired reaction, America or Britain will be viewed as 'overreacting' and Iran will get to play the 'innocent' victim of 'western aggression.' Given the growing popularity of the anti-war stance in Britain and America, I'm worried niave people will fail to see that it's Iran behind the diplomatic fireworks - not Bush or Blair.

    President Ahmadinejad is a cunning, immoral man who seems to want to lead his country into a war it cannot win - no matter what price his people must pay.

    All we can hope is that our diplomats show the same restraint our kidnapped troops did - and resist the urge to react to Iran's provocative behaviour.


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