• Kuala Lampaur Summit - Mahathir Mohamad in spectacular hypocrisy

    Blair in dock at "house of horrors" summit

    Monday February 5, 07:46 AM

    KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - About 2,000 peace activists applauded on Monday as the leaders of the United States and Britain were branded "fascist war criminals" at a conference featuring gruesome exhibits of their alleged crimes.
    Full article here.

    Mahathir Mohamad, former premiere of Malaysia, who's regime was criticised for brutality and torture, hosted a conference in Kuala Lumpur today in which he accused Tony Blair and George Bush of war crimes.

    In order to maintain complete impartiality and objective bias, a macabre 'house of horrors' was set up for the 2,000 so called 'peace activists' at the summit to enjoy, including scenes depicting torture at Guantanamo Bay, including scenes of nails being driven into prisoner's flesh.

    Speakers at the conference included former U.S. lawmaker Cynthia McKinney and former U.N. assistant secretary-general Hans von Sponeck, who obviously assumed the allegations of torture must be true if an unrepentant torturer like Mahathir Mohamad was making them.

    It's laughable, if it wasn't so distasteful.

    This former brutal torturer has made a fairground ride based around the fictional crimes of the USA's and UK's leaders (the torture scenes represented weren't just exaggerated - they were fictional.) We're supposed to take his allegations seriously?

    I'm no fan of Guantanamo Bay, which is disgustingly unAmerican. The Abu Gharib scandal was a wound that will forever scar the American conscience. But instead of using evidence of actual wrong doings, Mahathir Mohamad prefers the safety of propaganda and lies.

    If Cynthia McKinney and Hans von Sponeck really want to help sort out the mess in the middle east, they'd be better off associating with the people who matter, not discredited Media Circus performers like Mahathir Mohamad.


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